About Workshop 24
Arising from very different art practices, Bill Laybourne's deep listening and chance based approach, combined with Helen Garbett's interest in objects, collections and museums, has led to the unique collaboration that is Workshop 24.
This is the vehicle through which Helen and Bill create inspirational projects together with local people using formats such as museums, clubs and radio programmes to make works which are immersive and multi-layered.
Intensely focused on the local in the Midlands, their social art practice builds relationships with and between participants and the more-than-human world often over months or years, exploring the seldom heard, marginal and the edge of things to help realise personal and social change.
"All change includes work in one or more small groups... it is in groups that intimacy is created...
it provides the structure that enables people to overcome isolation and experience a sense of belonging."
Peter Block, 2018